Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Climate Project

So you may or may not have heard about The Climate Project. Basically, it was started in the late summer/early fall of 2006 by Al Gore. He had been giving his slide show on the climate crisis for a while, and following the success of the movie, 'An Inconvenient Truth' he wanted to spread the word even more. Thousands of people applied to be one of the thousand presenters that would be trained by Gore to give the slideshow, and they were trained over a period of months. The purpose is to get the word to literally ever corner of the country (and now the world), especially in places where people probably wouldn't see the movie on their own. By training people to go out and give the speech, the ability to spread the word and create positive and affirmative action on the climate crisis is greatly increased, making it more of a grassroots effort and taking away some of the aspect of it being a political debate. Check out the official website. If you want a presentation, there are presenters all over the country, and chances are great that there's one who would happily give it to you and your group.

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