Sunday, April 6, 2008

All About It

So I just created this blog after reading a blog about why Live Earth was a complete fake. It pissed me off so I wrote a HUGE rant and posted it (we'll see if it gets published), and after that I was still mad so, here I am. I thought this blog could just be a place to share stories, articles, and ideas about being eco-friendly. I won't edit or moderate your comments, so just say what you feel (politely, of course) and we'll see what we can do.


David Drake said...

Sulfuric gas being released from...a volcano! Oh my!

Treehugger claims: "...gas from volcanoes aren't happening now..." - April 6, 2008

Item: "Stop what you're doing and get out. That was the order from Big Island officials Tuesday, who closed Volcanoes National Park due to high levels of vog.

Park officials tell KGMB9 the sulfur dioxide levels were more than three times higher than what's considered acceptable, and 1,000 employees were asked to leave. Hundreds of visitors were also evacuated, and arriving visitors were turned away at the park gates."


Item: "Elevated sulfur dioxide levels from Kilauea volcano have forced the closure of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island for a second straight day."

- Source:

So...tell me, how many times were you dropped on your head or is this still happening?

treehugger said...

If you want to see the actual conversation, and here more than tidbits taken out of context, go to david's blog at